Thursday, February 23, 2006

Three Things Thursday

Mardi Gras

1. this Tuesday coming up is Fat Tuesday or know to some, especially in New Orleans, as Mardi Gras. despite the hurricane, the big easy is still pulling out the big ones to bring the partying back.

2. one of the best things about mardi gras is the
  • King Cakes (scroll down on site to see them). i love king cakes.

  • 3. in high school i was on the dance line and had to march in about 4 parades a year, for 4 years, they were 7 and 1/2 miles long, and it was very cold.

    how could i forget...... it's my nephews birthday....HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY BIG BOY!!!

    Wednesday, February 22, 2006


    why are they such a pain in the butt? and why does it have to be so confusing? and why does there have to be so many forms? it makes me want to scream AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! as you can probably figure i've been working on my taxes. after gathering all the much needed information i got to work imputing the numbers but hit a major road block on one of the forms. after many moments of mulling over the forms i was able to figure it out and what a relief. of course my printer is broken so i couldn't print what i needed and i failed to have an exact copy of last years forms for the AGI so electronically filing was out of the question. so monday was spent imputing all over again at work and finally completing it. cheering crowd...hip hip hooray. tuesday my hubby came home with the beautiful flowers posted below. he said they were for all the work spent on the taxes. very sweet. it was our, taxes are done, celebration day. YEAH!

    the first three pics of the flowers are just some that i wanted to post so that you could see how pretty they are but then i got a little flower crazy or i'd like to call it having a little flower fun and decided to post a few more.
    "What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose
    by any other word would smell as sweet."

    Monday, February 20, 2006

    multnomah falls


    here are some pictures of the lobby in the hotel that we stayed at this weekend. it was so beautiful with long windows and this huge fireplace. there's one window that looks out onto the waterfall out front and then you can see how they are really tall and i love how they are rounded at the top. those windows are all over the lobby and then there's the massive fire place and the cool globe.

    Thursday, February 16, 2006

    Johari Window

    i saw
  • this on
  • mrs fish's blog and thought that it would be neat to have on mine as well. i know that a lot of people who i talk to through blogging have never met me in person and vice versa but like mrs fish said you still know me through my blog so maybe you can still play along too. i've heard about these but i don't think that i have ever done one.
  • Three Things Thursday

    post valentine's day tribute to valentine years past:

    1. our first valentine's day together was when we were dating and we were poor college students. we went to mcdonalds and got the two big mac's for $2.22 and my hubby bought two plastic wine glasses and we had sparkeling grape juice and big mac's at the park. odd combination but memorable.

    2. most of our valentine days since then haven't been so good. mainly because we were either sick or something else crazy happened. like the first year we were married we went to see a movie and then went to eat at the carribean restraunt. we waited for over 2 hours. why don't all restraunts take reseverations on valentine's day? by the time we were seated and got our food we were exausted from waiting and hunger so we ate in about 20 min and left, going straight home and to sleep.

    3. this year we decided to celebrate after the fact, so we are going away for two nights this weekend to a hot springs resort. i'm very excited because i think for both of us it's a much needed break.

    Tuesday, February 14, 2006


    Just wanted to wish all the bloggers out there a
    Happy Valentine's Day.
    This morining when I woke up
    and opened my box of cereal for breakfast
    there was my valentine card from my husband.
    It's so funny that he put it in the box of cereal
    but it made me smile.
    Silly man! But I love him.

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    TTT is there

    okay. so i wrote my TTT on wednesday and posted it today but it showed up on my wednesdays post so scroll down to see it.

    Wednesday, February 08, 2006


    i saw this on some other blogs and thought that it would be fun. however i'm not as computer savvy as others so here is the
  • page
  • to go to. after you see all the words then just right click and save to your computer and somehow paste it onto your blog. i hope the directions aren't directionally challenged because i tend to be sometimes. :)

    Three Things Thursday

    some of my favorite foods:

    1. ice cream. i know it's not really a real food, maybe girly food but i love it anyways. my absoulute favorite is
  • bluebell peppermint
  • however, i am a big fan of chocolate too so in the chocolate catagory i'd go with
  • tillamook mudslide
  • rich chocloate ice cream with chocolate fudge pieces and a thick fudge ripple. yummy!

    2. pizza. i'm getting a little more adventurous with my pizza toppings. i'm usually a peperoni pizza only girl so adverturous for me is sausage and peppers. i also like the hawaiian pizzas. sorry
  • amberj
  • i know you aren't a fan of those. :)

    3. crawfish. for those who are like WHAT ARE CRAWFISH? some people call the crawdads and they are seafood that look like
  • this
  • i love them boiled, in gumbo, jambalaya, or soup. it's all good. i've been known to eat a couple pounds of boiled crawfish. "don't eat the dead one's!"

    Monday, February 06, 2006

    Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

    as i was driving tonight to a friends house i decided to put in my
  • Susan Ashton
  • cd. thanks
  • Stephanie
  • for mentioning her, it made me remember that i had one of her cd's.

    so i'm listiening to the music and singing the words. now keep in mind that i think the first time i heard her music was in the early '90's, when she first came out and it was probably in '98ish when i stopped listening to her music. not because i didn't like it but because music changes so much and i was probably listening to something newer.

    anyways, as i was listening to her music and singing the words i couldn't help but smile at the fact the i remembered almost all the words to the songs on that cd. i sat there smiling, singing and being amazed at how God can create us. body, soul and mind. especially mind. there are times, at only 26, when i think that i am loosing mine. like when i put the milk in the cabinet. and i am sure there are more but with it being late and all my mind isn't functioning at full speed, so i forget. but here i am singing songs that i haven't sung in 7+ years. where do they get stored? how in the world does you mind remember the massive amount of words that are put on cd's but can't seem to remember where you placed your car keys. i was just in awe at the Awesomeness of God and His Creation.

    Sad for the Seahawks

    so what an upsetting loss for the seahawks.
    even though i thought that there were a few bad calls on the seahawks, good job steelers.
    there's always next year seahawks.

    Friday, February 03, 2006

    Seahawks Vs. Steelers

    don't know if anyone out there that happens to stop by my spot watches football or is even interested in the superbowl this sunday, but i thought that i would see who everyone if cheering for to win. i'm going for the Seahawks. just thought i'd take a poll. hope eveyone has a great weekend. enjoy the game. :)

    Thursday, February 02, 2006

    Three Things Thursday

    Favorite Fiction Books

    this is a hard one for me because i love to read and there aren't many books that i don't like. anything by
  • Francine Rivers
  • Karen Kingsbury
  • John Grisham
  • Robin Jones Gunn
  • Dee Henderson
  • and the list can go on and on. so here are the ones that first come to mind when thinking of favorite fiction books.

    1. Clouds and Woodlands by Robin Jones Gunn. i started to read her books when i was younger, The Christy Miller Series and on to the Sierra Jensen Series and i just didn't stop reading her books. i don't think that there is a book of her's that i don't like.

    2. The Scarlet Thread and Redeeming Love by: Francine Rivers.

    3. The Partner and The Runaway Jury buy John Grisham