Thursday, March 23, 2006

Three Things Thursday

it's been quite a busy day. so i sat down to post my TTT and nothing was coming to me, so after checking out eveyone's TTT i decied to go with Megan's theme three tv shows that i never miss. now there are plenty of tv shows that i love but i guess here are my fave's:

1. gilmore girls: there's something about the easy banter that the 2 women in that show have that i just love. it caputred me from day one and i've caught every episode since. sometimes i even watch the reruns.

2. wildfire: this is a fairly new show that's in it's second season. it revolves around racing horses and that is pretty cool to me. my uncle does some racing horses and i remember going ot see them when i was younger so maybe that's why i really like it.

3. the office: this is a pretty new thing. i saw my first episode maybe 2 months ago and just loved it so since them my husband and i have been watching them and they just keep me laughing.

some of my other favorites are:
scrubs, smallville, survivor, seventh heaven, (what's up with the "s" named tv shows, weird) and just recently my husband taped the pilot episode of lost. he's already seen the 1st season and he is currently watching the 2nd season now but i didn't start watching with him. anyways, after watching the pilot episode i was hooked. so he was able to get me the first season on dvd from some friends so i will be able to catch up with him. i'm excited.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Woman's Heart

Then the time came when the risk it took
To remain tight in a bud was more painful
Than the risk it took to blossom.
-Anais Nin

I just started a study with some friends on the book Captivating by: John and Staci Eldredge. I read the first chapter last night and just loved it. It was titled The Heart of a Woman. There were a couple of things that captured me and I thought that I would post some of them. The Eldredge's talk about three things that you'll find in the heart of evey woman: to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty. These three things make women come alive.

They go on to talk about how women want to feel desired and pursued by the one what loves them and to be made a priority. They mention movies like Little Women, how Fredrich returns for Jo or here's another one, Ever After, how the prince comes to rescue Danielle and on and on you can think of movies where the heroine is rescued but not even that she rescued but that she is pursed and loved.

Then there is the great adventure that women want to be a part of. How we want to be brave and honorable, needed and worthy, courageous and heroic. We don't want to simply be safe, nice and sweet but passionate and powerful.

And finally they talk about how women desire to be beautiful. Thinking back to when you played dress up as a little kid and wanted to hear how pretty and elegant you were all dressed up in the sparkley dress and high heels. You wanted to be the princess.

I am excited and thrilled to be reading this book and learning with the other women in my group what God intended when He created us women, what we want to be as women, and what is at the core of my heart. The journey has started.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

What Jenn Needs

i found this on
  • Gwen
  • and
  • Megan's
  • blogs and thought that it would be fun. go to google and type in "your name needs" and see what come up.

    1. jenn needs - a hug i could always use a hug.

    2. jenn needs - to further her skills as an artist if you call stick people art then okay.

    3. jenn needs - a hot rod and a good insurance policy sounds like fun.

    4. jenn needs - some one to love her as much as she loves them i do my hubby.

    5. jenn needs - to get past her handcuff thing gosh! i wish they wouldn't have called me on that one. :) just kidding!

    6. jenn needs - to post office hours if i owned my own office i would.

    7. jenn needs - something to stand on i didn't think that i was that short.

    8. jenn needs - to work well maybe but i think that i work to much.

    9. jenn needs - to stop smiling you can never smile enough. besides i thought that frowning creates wrinkles?

    10. jenn needs - to switch to decaf really. well maybe i'll take it into consideration.

    Thursday, March 09, 2006

    Three Things Thursday

    it's *SNOWING*

    well this is my first snow of the year. i know, i know, that's crazy because it's march and i haven't been in the snow but i haven't been to the mountains yet to see the snow coming down so this is technically my first snow this year. my TTT post this week is going to be all about snow.

    1. i love snow, plain and simple.

    2. there is something about falling snow that is magical and makes me excited.

    3. when i think of snow these are the words that come to mind: magical, enchanting, special, wonderful, and fun.

    Thursday, March 02, 2006

    Three Things Thursday

    three things from three years ago:

    1. beginning of summer: celebrated our first year anniversary.

    2. end of summer: moved to the pacific northwest.

    3. fall: met amberj.

    i know this one was short but it's been a busy week and my hubby's sick.
    this post is my 100th post though. pretty cool. :)