Tuesday, June 13, 2006


yes today is the day. we leave this afternoon for our mission trip to Fiji. i am so excited. i'm sure it is going to be an amazing experiance. i'll be sure to post pictures when we get back, although we will be moving so it may not be till the end of July that i am able to post the pictures.

for all the TTT players here is mine early......Three Things Tuesday

goals for Fiji..........

1. to help as many people as i can

2. to have a good and positive attitude while there

3. to enjoy the time with friends, co-workers and my hubby

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Three Things Thursday

things that are going on in my life right now............

1. i came into work today only to find out that the girl that i work with called in sick. no problem accept that today of all days (my late night) it's busy as heck, so i've been running around here like crazy.

2. we leave for Figi in 5 days and we are planning on being out of our apartment by sunday and when we get back from Figi we are moving.

3. much to my dimise squiggly is back. yes that ringworm is back on my arm. at first i thought that it was a bug bite but them it got bigger so i am treating it again and i hope that it goes away soon because it's ugly.

Friday, June 02, 2006


these are some pictures of our memorial day weekend. i know it's taken a while for me to post some of them. it's been crazy right now since we are in a transitional chapter in our lives, getting read for our trip in 11 days and also packing up the house to move to a different state when we do get back from our trip. it's wild and crazy here. prayers please.
when we first saw this rabbit we thought that it was wild. then we witnessed this. he may be wild but he sure does know how to work the visitors of this little beach town.
i keep telling my hubby that he needs to stop this