Monday, March 31, 2008

Pics, Pics, Pics

scroll down for lots and lots of pics.

The Land

these are picture of when we went to my father-in-laws land a couple of weeks ago. the baby girl is my niece. i love these pictures of her. she is such a cutie.

i just love her expressions.

the goat is one of the baby goats that were just born. there were 5 of them i think.

here are pics of my sweet boy. he's so beautiful. i love snapping pics of him. especially pics of him outside.

and here is my nephew. he moves all the time so it's usually hard to get pics of him. i think that he was tired here so he sat down with his sword (the stick) and rested.

eggs, eggs, everywhere there's eggs. these two are a little to young to have an egg hunt but we tried to involve them anyway. we really had the hunt for my nephew who wasn't all that interested in finding them he wanted to help hide them. he had so much practice egg hunting that by the time easter got here he was tearing through the yard on a mission to get every egg that he could.


so sleepy

knocked out

this is what happens when you sleep on you face. click on picture to see bigger and to get the full effect


here are the eggs that we dyed when we went to see my parents a couple of weeks before easter.


here he is chewing on his first apple. he's had apple juice before so i thought that he would like this especially since his gums hurt. no teeth yet but i'm sure it won't be long.

Flower for Mommy

mu hubby took little guy for a walk a couple of weeks ago and they came back with a flower for mommy. it's the first flower that he's brought me. we were attempting to get him to give it to me but he said, "no way mom, i want to taste it first." finally m- got him (with his help) to hand it to me. so sweet.


little guy loves his cousins. especially my nephew. he can watch him for hours. and he just laughs and laughs at him

like i said. he love is cousin.

Construction Worker

i know people say that construction workers are cute. but i didn't know that they were this cute. these are goggles are my nephews i think from a bob the builder set that he has. he loves bob the builder.

Cool Dude

these were in his easter basket. he's not all that thrilled about them until we get out in the sun and then he doesn't fool with them all that much.


here's little guy with the easter basket that the easter bunny brought him. no candy in it though. his sweets were containers of baby food fruit. then some diapers, pj's (family easter tradition), and come cool baby shades. my hubby said that little guy looks like me in this picture. at least he said it looks like my baby pictures. hey i'm just glad that someone said that he looks like me. he is all his daddy. except for the little dimple in his chin. i have a slight one and my daddy has on. he at least gets that from me. :)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Music to my Heart

the other day while using the computer, i hear nothing else but the beautiful noise of my baby boys laugh. the deep belly laugh. there is nothing like it. i'm sure that every mother in the whole world, across all centuries have thought the same thing too. i wish i could bottle that belly laugh up and open it whenever i needed it. (which would probably be all the time because it's just so innocent and sweet)

after hearing this amazing sound i called to my hubby, who was in the other room with him to see what little guy was laughing so hard at. when he called me in the room to see, i found him tickling him with this. we got this at our neighborhood clean up day and i'm sure that this isn't what it's suppose to be used for but whatever makes little guy giggle we'll use it. it's amazing what amuses him.

my hubby and i just saw the greatest movie. it has nothing to do with my sons laughter but everything to do with music. it's called August Rush and i just loved it. i'd like to think that music can bring people together like it did in this movie. if you haven't seen it yet then go out and rent it. it's great. the music is great, the people are great, the story is great and the pictures are great.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


as some of you may know and remember, little guy come home on a heart/apnea monitor. a couple months ago the pulmonologist (lung doc) that little guy sees told us that we could stop using it but it was our decision. we ended up keeping it a while longer because it was still alarming with apnea spells. while some of them may have been false alarms we weren't willing to risk it. the whole preemie thing had been so bizarre to us. the monitor was like our safety blanket. i should have posted last thursday, the safety blanket has been taken away from us. don't worry, it wasn't brutally taken or anything. we willingly gave it up. the monitor company did a down load of the monitor on feb 14th and from that day to march 20th, when they came and picked up the monitor, he had no alarms. it was a huge blessing. so he's been a week without it and he's doing great and so are we.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Overlooked #3

the subject for overlooked #3 was your fridge. something in it, the whole inside, the outside. so here is mine and what i have to say about the firdge and some about grocery shopping.

see the picture at the top (the wallet sized one) of the baby in the orange and blue...that's my baby boy.

the top of our fridge is covered in pics of fam and friends, held on with mags of places me and my hubby have been

we usually go to the grocery store once a week, on the weekend. i have a love/hate relationship with the grocery store. we usually go to walmart or publix.
lists....i love to write lists. something about crossing of the things i've done or gotten. like i've accomplished something in buying milk that week. (pathetic i know.) i also like coupons and try to use them as much as possible. saving every little bit helps.
yoplait...this is something we buy every weekend.
orange cream
lemon burst
strawberry banana

the row of mags that start with the strawberries and end with the little people are mags that were on my hubby's nana's fridge. the wooden round one at the end is the one that we bought on our honeymoon. and the states are some of the states that my hubby and i have been to.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


tags, tags, tags.....little guy love some tags. tags on pillows (pillows is another story of things he loves), tags on blankets, tags on books, tags on stuffed animals, tags on chew toys. after observing his love for tags i got out his taggie books. i love these books because they are so colorful and the tags on the end of them are fun and textured. however, he doesn't like his taggie books. he would rather play with the actually tag on the taggie book. and then he gets frustrated when he can't get it or the book falls open on his face. it's pretty funny to watch your eight month old have somewhat of a temper tantrum over a tag. i love him so much and just thought that i would share his new love with you guys.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sweet Smiles

i've had an ear ache, for going on 8 days now...i'm somewhat sleep deprived because little guy kept us up a good bit this weekend...and it's monday. but i am going to make it because when i go to get baby in the morning to take him to granny's he greets me with the biggest smiles and when i pick him up he is so cuddly so it makes the day so much better. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


saw this signature think on Care-in's blog and thought that i would try it out.
pretty cool. lovin' it.

Monday, March 03, 2008


these were my shoes when i was a baby


he is so amazed by his hands. we try to show him is feet too but he has no care in the world that he has feet too.

Baby Boy

he loves sitting in his walker even though his feet don't touch the ground so he can't go anywhere

always chillin'

beautiful boy