Sunday, July 29, 2012


393. roaming around Barnes n noble even if it was only briefly

Friday, July 27, 2012


386. reading to my daughter and having her say...hold it, hold book and watching as she holds the left side with her left hand and lifts her thumb over the pages as we turn them.

387. reading to my son with him sitting in my lap. so sweet and special

388. and finally time to read something for me.

389. a nap

390. a stroll through the used myself

391. talking on the phone to my bff

392. sunggling with little guy in my bed before he goes to sleep.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


384. getting to cuddle with my girl first thing in the morning.

385. my 2 year old put her plate in the sink after she ate breakfast. it landed in with a bang but super awesome that she knew where to put it and i didn't have to ask.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


383. my baby sister is 29 years old today. i love you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


382. for my parents, who have taken little guy for a week with them. it's given me the chance to get some stuff done here

Monday, July 16, 2012

Birthday P-arrrr-ty

 so i guess we will start off with pictures of the birthday boy. the happy birthday song was done last but this is the way the pictures uploaded so i will leave them here. my little guy has been crazy about pirates since last September when we went to Disney world. it was a complete surprise to us but we loved it. he talked about having a pirate birthday party starting February of this year. the day finally came and he had such a great time. we sang happy birthday to him and when we were completely finished with the song we all said ARRRRRRGH...........and see picture below after that little guy took his pirate hat off swung it around in the air and repeated the ARRRRRGH.  it was precious. something spontaneous and totally on his one. i loved it. below are more photo of the party and the decor. it was so much fun doing this theme this year. i had a great time gathering and prepping for it all.

blowing out the candles

map that the cake sat on

Saw this and knew that we would have it on the mail box at our party, for X marks the spot where the party it at.

a friend from college made signs like these for her son's birthday party a few years ago. i remembered looking at the pictures from his party and decided to made them for Little guy's birthday. I just love them. Thanks Virginia for the inspiration

this was just to cute. it was a must for the party

here i just made yellow lemonade and added some blue food coloring to make ocean water. i had seen on pinterest lots of labels at other pirate parties for pirate juice or sea water. so here is my version. ocean water. 

i came across this site that had a printable for a pirate party and at the bottom there was a "get yer loot" sign. i just decided to go with the cardboard like the other sign.
after writing the words on there i thought it needed something more. came across this picture when i was searching pinterest

pinned this cake and knew it was what i would be doing for the cake. it wasn't enough to feed everyone so i just made an additional sheet cake to have extra.
extra cake. my mom added the black licorice boat
after cutting the cake i had lots of extra cake and didn't want to waste it so i made cake balls with it and labeled them as cannon balls. i saw the idea here with cheese balls which i would have love doing too since cheese balls are just so awesome.

shark salad. this was so much fun. when little guy saw it though he said, yea watermelon. i don't think he even realized that it was a shark. silly boy.

a pirate party isn't complete with out an area to walk the plank. we just so happen to get lucky and have the party at a pool where there was a diving board so the plank was already there.
baby J.Crew getting his very first tattoo

Sarah and Sweet Grace
My cool parents who dressed for the occasion, showing off their tattoo's

my nephew being made to walk the plank

saw these hats on pinterest and google searched a video on how to make them. come to find out it was exactly how i thought they would have been made. :)

my sweet little girl.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


381. my 2lb 14oz baby was born 5 years ago today. where has the time gone. and how did he grow up so quickly. i love you my sweet, precious, energetic, adventurous, little guy

My boy

 5 year old Birthday Parrrrrrty

 4 year old Birthday Party

 3 year old Birthday Party

 2 year old Birthday Party

1 year old Birthday Party

 His Birthday

Five years ago today this tiny beautiful 2lb 14oz baby boy smiled at me, melted my heart and was brought into our lives. His joy for life, love of others, energy, enthusiasm, smile, eyes, sweetness, persistence, and love have been more that I could have asked for. Five years went way to quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was rocking his tiny 5lb body (his weight when he was finally able to come home) in my arms when in reality it was my 5 year old boy who asked me last night to rock him. What momma could turn that down. Really he wanted me to rock him. Same rocking chair, same lullaby. It brought me back to 5 years ago. Amazed, In Love, Honored that God chose me to be his momma, Loved, Humbled. I love you Baby Bugs my Little Guy.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


377. Little guy's last day of swim lessons-he did great all week long

378. enjoying little guy's 5th birthday parrrrty

379. sweet family friends who let us have his party at their house and pool. love you Mrs. Dianne

380. my baby boy asking me to rock him tonight.............the night before he turns 5.

Friday, July 13, 2012


376. fun times with kido's and parents at the kiddie carnival

Saturday, July 07, 2012


374. Time with friends on the lake. Tims Ford Lake

375. peaceful car ride with sleeping kids

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Sunday, July 01, 2012


372. peaches in the summer