Wednesday, June 27, 2007

20 things....

....i want to do this summer!

1. finish setting up the nursery

2. rent some good movies

3. go to the theater to see some movies

4. read some great books

5. cook something new

6. bake something new

7. finish updating my photo albums

8. have some friends over for a girls night

9. teach my nephew something new

10. spend quality time with my hubby

11. kint a baby blanket

12. finish kintting the stocking for my friend

13. have maternity pictures taken

14. finish setting up the house

15. get some pictures hung in the house

16. buy an album for little guys soon to be pictures

17. plan a trip for next summer

18. take some good pictures

19. try out a new restaurant

20. deliver a healthy baby


  1. I love the list! And very achievable. I remember the months leading up to the Boy's due date I saw as many movies in the theater as our budget would allow knowing it would be the last time for a LONG time.

    Since it appears you won't be coming our way THIS summer, I don't suppose you will be bringing baby boy to visit any time in '08?

  2. Anonymous7:14 PM

    This is a great list!

  3. yeah that's what i thought, amberj very achievable. although summer is creeping to an end so maybe i will give it to the end of the year. about a visit in 08, i would love to come and i think that m- would too but he has so many plans for next year it's crazy so we will have to see. i think that next summer would be the perfect time to travel with him on a plane. i'll let you know though.

    care-in, thanks. i got the idea from my blogging friend cheryl and thought that i would make one too.

  4. This is a WONDERFUL list!!! i am totally enjoying working on my 20!! Such a fun idea!!
