Tuesday, July 17, 2018

My Summer in Books

so i get summer is not over and i am in denial that it is swiftly coming to a close but i wanted to post about what i have already read this summer and what i am currently in the middle of or hoping to finish my the end of summer (the end being when school starts for the kids)

first up is by one of my all time FAVORITE authors. I have been reading her books since i was 11 or 12 years old. The series that i started reading by her is called the Christy Miller Series and in honor of Christy's birthday this month Robin has been having some sales on her books. 

Sandy Toes (Christy & Todd: The Baby Years #1)



I read the first Jane book last year. It was delightful.
This one was very good and i laughed a few times. 

My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies, #2)

Now this book. Oh my.It had me major confused and tempted to reach for the back to check out the ending. (which i seriously NEVER do) But i stuck with it and loved it. It was just so, so good. in the process or reading it i found out that it was also a movie so i am hoping to rent it on Amazon very, very soon.

I just finished Austenland last night. Here are the books that i am currently in the middle of reading:

quite possible the best parenting book that i have ever read.
i have really been thinking and try to implement all that i am reading. i'm going to be honest it hasn't been easy and i am pretty sure that i will end the book and pick it right back up but if you haven't read it then i would suggest reading it.

i don't even remember how i stumbled on this great book. i am a little less than half way through it but am loving it. so many great book suggestions and i love the way she writes.

a few years ago i read a Lisa T. Bergren book series called The River of Time and loved every single one of them. I have read quite a few other of her books over the years so was just doing a search for her books one day and came across this series. It is called River of Time California (so far it looks like there is this one and then another.)
I ordered this one last night for Prime Day on Kindle. I am not a huge fan of e-readers but it was only $3.99 and plan on ordering the other one by the end of the year and they were offering 30% off the next order so i guess you can't beat that. Also i contacted the library about getting a copy of this ordered and they told me that they could not get it. (insert sad face)


I also have one waiting for me at he library so i am pretty sure i won't get all of these done in the next 3 weeks but we shall see. 

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