Last Friday the plumbers came and rest everything. It wasn't until after they left that i actually got a good look at the toilet.
Wait! What?!?!
It looked like something my kids could have done. It was awful.
We contacted the contractors with the above photo and he said he would have them come back out on Monday to fix it.
I was happy to see it looking way better when we got home on Monday night.
Next up on the to do list:
Put cans on light
Hang mirror
buy a curtain rod
hang curtains
put up shower curtain
get a rug
decide about shelving above the toilet
the cans for the light were easy. well not easy but i was something i was able to do and we used the shower curtain that we had before, as well as the rod. so CHECK and CHECK
we also still need to paint the inside and the outside of the door and possibly the frame again. my mom is getting the rug today and i will have it in my hands sometime next week. we have this mirror but it doesn't really match the light fixture or the sink faucet. it does match the shower fixture and the bathroom floor. I think i am going to pull it out of the box one more time and maybe even hang it to get a feel for how we like it. i did find another one that i like but it is currently out of stock.
stay tuned. i am sure i will get photos eventually of what it looks like in the space.
it is nice to know that all the contract work is completed but there is still things we have to do to be completely ready. I did shower in there today though.