Wednesday, April 06, 2016


I have been working through the Karen Kingsbury Family of Jesus study and using the Give Me Jesus Journal from Gretchen Saffle.
 I am only four days into the study but I have really enjoyed it. The journal is beautiful and well done.

The second day of the study on Joseph posed a question on uncertainty. I wrote this in my journal:

I think when I was pregnant with Golden Boy there was a lot of uncertainty. It was my first pregnancy, my body didn't always seem to want to cooperate and then ultimately didn't at the end, having me deliver my tiny boy over 2 months early. Being 2lbs and 14oz and struggling for every breath.....those were uncertain times. They feel like a moment ago. Like I can reach back and just touch yesterday but he is pushing 9 years old and growing so big. Those were uncertain times for sure but I feel like when I look back on them we had a peace. Peace that when we left our tiny little guy in the hospital every night that God was there with him, helping him to continue to breath, having him gain the weight he needed, settling his wrestlessness. I feel like we had a peace through most of it.
I am thankful for the uncertain times and the Peace that He brings with them.  

These photos were taken by my sister-in-law.
Check out her other work at Pixel Me Photography
she does an amazing job with everything she does.

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