Thursday, January 18, 2018

Snow-mageddon 2018

Our Snow day turned into two days and a two hour delayed start today.
Tuesday we woke up and had breakfast and then played a Monopoly game with the kids.

once that was over we had a little bit of snow that we could go out in.

after my little bit out in it, i went in the start lunch and Little girl called from the door that she needed my phone. she wanted to make a picture of something she made. she went out and took the pictures but i didn't look at it until the next day. 

i just love her cute snow angle. she is so creative. i loved that she used her hat on it and have the angle a face and lashes. 

she pays attention to detail and i just love it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Coffee Station

I have always wanted a coffee bar area in the kitchen.
when we thought we would do a china cabinet build along this wall i factored one into there

this dresser was my grandmothers and she promised it to me one day
it has been living in my parents house for the past few years
my mom ended up moving it into her kitchen and used it as a coffee bar
she promised me that it was still mine she was just using it for now
once the kitchen was pretty much done i asked her if i could get it and set it up
this is how it all looked once i got it moved it and the coffee pot and items on it

i added a mug rack to the wall

and then i started looked at marble cutting boards to sit the coffee pot on.
at thanksgiving my dad he a huge piece of marble that he was saving for an outside countertop
Golden boy was trying to get in the shed one morning and knocked the piece cracked
my mom said it had been at the lake house forever so not to worry about it. that dad could get another piece. i asked him if he could break a chunk of it smaller so that i could put my coffee pot on it 
he took a hammer to it around the edges to get to my guesstimated size and the ran a sander along the edges to make them somewhat smoother

i just love the way that it came out
the second picture shows it a little better

now i just have to decide what else to put on the wall above my new coffee bar
i really want a shelf and these are the ones that i am leaning towards

Choice #1 (in the wood color)

Or just buying an unfinished raw wood edge shelf and metal brackets

Monday, January 08, 2018

What I plan to read in 2018......

my cousin reads an amazing amount of books in a year. you can follow her on Good Reads here and sees a few of her favorite books here.

she wrote this post about what she plans on reading in 2018 and it encouraged me to write one of my own. so here goes......

32148570  currently i am reading Before we Were yours by Lisa Wingate it has been very interesting so far and i am waiting to see where it goes and how this all plays out.

i read a lot of books by Lynn Austin last year so i am sure that i will read a few by her this year.

28963771 i read Finding Father Christmas and Engaging Father Christmas years ago. I remember when the first movie came out and being bummed that i wasn't able to see it. we went to visit my parents for Christmas this year and my mom taped Finding Father Christmas and Engaging Father Christmas (which just came out this year) and i was able to watch them. I really liked them both. It wasn't till i got home that i realized that there was another one in the series. the movie made it look like there would be a third movie but i didn't know about the third book. i placed the order for it on Amazon and i get it in the mail on Tuesday.

Keeping with the same author, Robin Jones Gunn, who has been a favorite author of mine since i was a 10 year old girl.......

I plan on reading Christy and Todd the Baby Years series of three.

7735333 i don't know who recommended this series to me but i have had it on my Good Reads to read list.

16158542 The Boys in the Boa is another one that was recommended to me and it has been on my to read list. so i hope to get to it this year too.

22536128 Savor is another book that i would like to read this year. I have read a few other books by Shauna Niequist and enjoy them. Bread and Wine was the first book that i read by her and loved it.

27840581 Ann Voskamp has a different writing style but i love it. I read One Thousand Gifts and i have her Christmas book Unwrapping the Greatest Gift but i would like to read The Broken Way sometime this year.

these next few have been floating around the social media world and i added to by to read list on Good Reads list......

29491890 Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner

30649506 At home in the World

33098666 Unseen by Sara Hagerty

33916342 I read Katie Davis first book Kisses From Katie and just love it. I can't wait to read her next book Daring to Hope (what a beautiful Soul)