Monday, November 05, 2007

Back to Work

so today was my first day back to work since sawyer was born. it's good and bad all together. i miss him terribly but enjoy the time out and being with grown ups. still at the same time i ache for time with him and would love to be a stay at home mommy. i'm so indecisive. my mom is keeping him this week. she wanted an excuse to come up and see him and i am grateful for it. it made the first day back to work easier not having to get up and get him out of the house. he woke up and i just handed him to my mom. pray though. next week i will be a lot harder getting me and him ready as i go to work and get baby to m's mom. oh! pictures will be coming soon. i'm a little slow getting them put on a cd and then uploaded.


  1. Oh, girl I really feel for you! My first night back I cried. It feels like you are leaving a body part behind. Are you working full time?

  2. i get you. nope i'm not. we only work 4 days a week anyways. and i asked to go back to work only 3 days so i work mon. thru wed. it's nice.
