Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Feeling the Love

there is something amazingly sweet about children's love. they love so unconditionally and so fully. just yesterday after my little guy woke up(with the sweetest look on his face), ate breakfast (waffles, just about every morning), and went to the bathroom, he looked at me, as i was getting him dressed, and said "mommy?" i looked up and he threw his skinny, sweet, soft arms around my neck and hugged me so tightly that is just melted my heart. i stood up and just hugged him back hoping that, that hug relayed all the love the i felt for him and that he could just know and feel it just by the tightness that i was giving him in return. don't get me wrong i tell him multiple times a day that i love him and truly i do but hugs like that sometimes mean more than the words themselves. to top it all off i got to rock my sweet, soft, chubby baby girl to sleep last night and got to breath in her sweet smell. (even though she needs a bath there is still something sweet about the smell of a baby.) i am truly blessed and love times like those that remind me of that.

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