Friday, April 27, 2007


...some people would say, just like mom and dad.
today my hubby and i went to the doctor.
after a sleepless night for my hubby (he was anxious) and having to work a couple of hours this morning, we found out that the doc was in surgery and we could resch. our apt or wait.
this apt was particularly important because we were to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. so we decided to wait.
when we were finally seen he did the organ check to make sure the baby was okay. so far so good. the baby is great. then after being on my head for like 10 minuets he regretfully informed us that he couldn't tell if the baby was a boy or a girl. the baby was sitting indian style, its head at my ribs and he feet by my pelvis. the doc had me turned practically upside down trying to get the baby to move to see what it was but it wasn't budging. needless to say we were disappointed.
it's always great when you hubby can put things into perspective for you though. we were sitting at lunch and he said you know what though...i may be disappointed about not knowing the sex of the baby but when the doc told us that the baby was okay and had all the organs that it was suppose to have and two arms and two legs that was such a relief. he said can you imagine our conversation now if the baby was missing a limb or an organ? it really put things into perspective for me. so while i may be disappointed because i don't know yet what the baby is, i at least know that it's healthy and appears to be happy. the doc said it was playing with the umbilical cord and at one point we saw one of its hands and it looked like it was giving us a thumbs up. so maybe stubborn, but like mom and dad. that's our baby!


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    well all you need to do is ask me if you want to know what you are having. i am 3 for 3 in guessing the sex of a baby. sheesh. and i say you are having a the way.

  2. thanks for telling me. i'll let you know if you are right. hopefully we'll be able to find out soon.

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Hey guys!

    Can I get your address? We would like to send you guys an invitation to the wedding. You can email it to me at if you don't want to put your address out on the internet. Thanks. Glad to hear things are giong well with the baby!


  4. sure. i went ahead and sent the address. the title of the email is "address" in case my email address looks funny. my maiden name still comes up with the email and a lot of people are like who is that?

  5. I think it's exciting to get to wait some more!! More anticipation!!!
    And you're absolutely right--the sex of the baby is a "little" thing compared to the health of that sweet one. SO glad to hear that he/she is looking so healthy!!
