Tuesday, July 17, 2007

unexpected treasures

my hubby and baby
me seeing my baby boy for the first time


  1. LOL at the post below this ... I guess your list is really revised now. :) Congratulations ... and welcome, Sawyer!! Praying for you lots in the days and weeks to come until you all come home from the hospital.

  2. Oh wow girl! Congrats! I've been praying for you guys today as I heard through the grapevine about your early delivery. Your little dude is super cute. You guys will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Congratulations! Enjoy every moment. We'll be praying for a smooth adjustment!

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    We've been praying and praying. What an absolutely beautiful little boy. We'll continue to keep all three of you in our prayers, please let us know if you need anything at all.

  5. First of all Congrats! We are so happy for you! I love the name! Secondly, I want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time!

  6. -c thank you so much. yeah the list is really funny now thinking about it. thanks for the thoughts and prayers. i need to get some stuff updated here on the blog so people know what's going on but he's doing really well.

    virginia-thanks for the prayers. he is doing great and we are so thankful. he really is a beauty and i can't wait to get him home but know that he's getting the best care ever where he is.

    care-in, the adjustments will come and i hope quickly too. my mom is here and she's been a big help. i'm not sure i could have done it without her. my dad and m- too. they are great encouragement to me to get up and move some. if not for them i may just stay in bed all the time. :)

    wendy, justin and chole-boy do i miss you guys. thanks so much for your prayers. i know that you are praying and have been for a while. we really appreciate it.

    christina-hey girl. glad you like the name. we just love it. he's so tiny and sweet and we just love him. we can't wait to get him home and in our arms. thanks for the prayers.

  7. Ah, those are just precious photos!!
