Monday, February 09, 2015

Adventure #6

I am going to be a little honest here. first let me say that I am an introvert for those who may or may not have know. here comes the honesty part.......Older people scare me and make me nervous. not like scare me, like i have bad dreams, just scare me like, i don't really know what to say, or do, or how to act. I know that is silly but it has just about always been that way. blame it on the social awkwardness of an introvert or just me, I don't know.

now i will clarify that "my old people" don't scare me. my two grandparents are wonderful and they are mine and i love them and they love me and they don't scare me. and then there was by great aunt, who is now with Jesus, but before that, when i was around her she was far from scary. she was sweet and loving and not scary at all. now that i have shared that strange fact about me tonight our small group got together, including kids, to decorate valentine cards for a local nursing home.

they guys were even right in there making cards. I don't really know what the count is on how many they made.

this will be the third year that we have done this and while, like i said the elderly make me nervous (and the day we hand them out I am sure I will be nervous all over again) i enjoy getting together with friends, loving on people that God loves, and stepping out of my comfort zone and into the lives of others. it helps to have friends close by too. i admire people who love and are comfortable around the elderly. they make me want to be brave, step out and share love with them.

check out Lily's Blog to link up with your adventures.

here we are in 2013
I am not really sure where out 2014 one was. I know that we have one but I have yet to locate one
it will for sure be posted though when in find it, along with this years. we are just that kind of group, picture taking people.

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