Thursday, September 07, 2006

Three Things Thursday

three favorite things about fall

well to start off...aside from this being my TTT post it's also my 200th post as a blogger. pretty cool huh!?! so here it is......

1. i love the colors of fall. the leaves changing from green to red, yellows, oranges, even some purple colors.

2. i love driving down the road and running into a storm of raining leaves. here is my post last fall about that.

3. i love the smells of fall. the apples, cider, pumpkin, air.


  1. congrats on the 200th post!

    And, I have to agree wtih fav season is the fall too! Unfortunately, there's not much of it here in NOLA, but I'm happy to reminisce about falls as a kid in PA and we're visiting this year in the fall so that's cool!

  2. 1-- Football!
    2-- Cooler mornings
    3-- Fall foods like turkey, hot chocolate, sweet potato pie!

  3. i love the cooler mornings and evenings cheryl and definatelly football.

    -c i'm glad that you guys will get a bit of fall by visiting your fam in PA.
