Thursday, November 03, 2005

Three Things Thursday

1. my favorite movies are: cinderella, ever after, a beautiful mind, sweet home alabama, 13 going on 30, the x-men movies, spiderman movies, pirates of the caribbean, the notebook, miracle on 34th street, my fair lady.........i'm sure there are many more but you get the idea.

2. my favorite books are: clouds by robin jones gunn(well pretty much any book by her), the wimwick childrens books by max lucado, i love john grisham booksw but i think that my 2 favorite are the partner and runaway jury, the liz curtis higgs series that i wrote about 5 posts ago, and a book called twice pardoned by harold morris. i love to read so i could probably go on and on with books that i like so i will just stop here.

3. some of my favorite summer memories: going to week long summer camp with my best friend.


  1. I think you named most of my favorites also (books and movies!)
    What is the harold morris book?

  2. the harold morris book is a book that we had to read in youth group before we went on this mission trip and it's been a while since i've read it but it about this guy (harold morris) who's in jail for (i think killing someone) and he has a life time sentence with no parole and he was pardoned twice and that is about all i will say in case you read the book. it's great and it's a true story.
