Monday, July 31, 2006

Three Things Thursday on Tuesday

we're going out of town for TTT and i won't have access to a computer so i decided to post a TTT on Tuesday. it being the first thursday/tuesday of the month the topic was three summer memories.

this summer has been amazingly memorable....

1. my hubby and i (as you may know from previous post) were able to go to Fiji on a missions trip with my office. it was a great time of service and giving and to learn about a new culture and to meet new people and to just really appreciate what you have.

2. we said farewell to some of our best friends every. we moved away from the pacific northwest and back to the south where we were born and raised and saying goodbye to the amazing friends that we made there was extremely difficult. God truly blessed is in the time that we spent there with the education that my husband got, with the church that we attended and with the life long friends that we made. i am forever changed for the chapter in our life that we had there and will forever remember, keep in touch and hold dear the people that we met and the lives that touched us so richly.

3. on our departure of the northwest back to the south we were able to see some of the most beautiful parts of the untied states. we were blessed in having that opportunity. we drove through some of Montana, spent time in Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Teetons, drove though the Shoesho National forrest, the Big Horn Mountains, visited Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands. it was a great trip and we really enjoyed ourselves.

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