Monday, November 05, 2007

By The Way...

...i failed to mention that on october 29th my sweet little boy rolled over. i think that is something that is worthy of a post. :) he amazes me every day.


  1. Yeah! So fun to watch them go from blobs of no activity to little minds absorbing the world around them.

  2. Yo-Yo Mama!! Congratulations, I would here a little bit of info from my dad every now and then about how you were doing. Sawyer is a beautiful baby - look forward to keeping in touch

  3. That is absolutely worth a post!!! SO sweet!

  4. blobs on the floor. so funny amber. i was watching a morning show last week. (i think regis and kelly) and there was a lady that sent in a pic of her oldest son and quadruplits (sp?) the oldest was a painter and the babies were blobs of paint on the floor (all different colors)

    allison, yeah for blogging and re-connecting. i miss you. i hope all is going well with you guys. sawyer is so much fun. i love watching him grow.

    cheryl thanks. it's fun sharing his accomplishments. i'm sure there will be many more to come. i'm waiting for him to do it again
