Sunday, June 28, 2015

Adventure 26

This is my third year of being a VBS director of our church
The past two years I was in the preschool area
this year I was asked to do elementary (elementary is a whole new ball game than preschool)
and not just elementary, but elementary games.
I asked the staff person that asked me if she was sure she was picking the right person for the job (HELLO! introvert here)
she assured me that I was just in charge of filling the needed positions for the games area (which was difficult) and picking the games out and colleting the supplies that were needed for the game time.
It seemed like we were never going to get two adult leads for elementary games but we got one and then were able to add another about two weeks before VBS started and then there were two youth and a college age person that helped. I have to say that these five people that lead games this year were truly amazing. it was difficult at times to get the kids to listen and follow the directions but the times that I stepped out to see how things were going and if they needed anything I was so impressed with how awesome they were doing and so appreciative of their help in the intense heat that we happened to get right for VBS week.
here are the kids playing one of the games. forming this circle was the end of the game and then they prayed.
water day was on Thursday and it was by far the most favorite day for all of the kids
baby pools, sprinklers, squirt guns, splash balls, buckets
there was a dry zone for kids who didn't want to get wet with, hopscotch (original and then this cool hop scotch i found on pinterest), bubbles and chalk
a friend of mine bought red vines for volunteer snacks but it was on the preschool side, so I snuck over there a few of the days to swipe a few to munch on. oh! they were so very good. this was my last of three on one of the days.
and a friend posted this on facebook

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